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Sessions and Fees 

What are the opening times?

We are open 38 weeks of the year (Term time only), five days a week.

Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 3.30 pm



Morning sessions: 9.00 am to 12-noon Afternoon sessions: 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Free Entitlement Funding (15 hours), Extended Funded hours (30 hours), and 2-Year-Old Funding, can be used for the sessions above.


To enable flexibility for our parents/carers, we offer the following service:

Lunch Club:

Our lunch club is available for ALL children, five days a week. Booking in advance is required. Parents are required to provide a healthy packed lunch. Children can stay after their morning session, arrive before their afternoon session, or use the lunch club to join the morning and afternoon sessions together to allow them to attend a full-day session. Our lunch club fee is £3.00 per day and fees apply to ALL children attending. Funding cannot be offset against these charges.


How many sessions can my child attend?

We don’t have a minimum session requirement.

You can choose which sessions you require (Subject to availability)

Every child is entitled to 15 hours of free universal funding from the term after their 3rd birthday.


What about fees?

Our fees, which are reviewed annually, are effective from 1st September 2023.

3- & 4-year-olds – session cost - £5.90 per hour - £17.70 per session

2-year-olds – session cost - £6.20 per hour - £18.60 per session

Fees are payable on the 1st of every month in advance.  

Fees can be paid via the Family App or by bank transfer.


What about funding?

If your child is funded, the playschool will claim funding on your behalf each term. You will be required to complete a funding contract and you will need to bring in some identification documents.

You will be entitled to receive funding known as ‘Universal Entitlement’ from the term after your child turns three. This entitlement is for a total of 15 hours – this could be every morning, every afternoon, or 2 and a half days.

Extended Funding (30 hours) is also available from the term after your child turns three, subject to eligibility. To check if you are eligible, please refer to the website: https://www/

2-year-funding – you can check eligibility for this at:


What about Childcare Vouchers?

We accept childcare vouchers from the Government’s new tax-free voucher scheme and all major childcare voucher providers.

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